$ cat ideas.html
Some writing ideas for the future
My dad ran a BBS from our home in the 1990s to support our family
My mom played Oil's Well on the Commodore 64 while I sat on her lap as a newborn
The Toronto Science Centre had Sun workstations with access to the internet via a T1, with a 3 button laser mice long before they were consumer products
I learned "object oriented programming" from an old MS-DOS, ANSI based video game called ZZT. There's a whole genre of these kinds of games worth exploring (Kroz, Megazeux, Insanity)
How Sierra and Apogee games had an outsized effect on me
How our cable company used to broadcast analog radio over coax, and how nobody I've ever spoken to knew that was a thing
Some mildly impressive stories about "DXing" ($20 term for "getting radio signals from far away")
The time I wrote a script to prove that our cable modem woes were related to UHF ingress from a local TV transmitter
What it's like to cross the Canada-US border by bicycle
The time I almost died due to a miswired outlet (which, funny enough, also relates to the radio-over-coax story)